In pursuance of the National Action Plan envisaged by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore, for performance evaluation, assessment and accreditation and quality up-gradation of institutions of higher education, the NAAC proposes that every accredited institution establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a post-accreditation quality sustenance measure. Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC will become a part of an institution's system and work towards realizing the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance. The IQAC will make a significant and meaningful contribution in the post-accreditation phase of institutions. During the post-accreditation period, the IQAC will channelize the efforts and measures of an institution towards academic excellence. In pursuance of the above, St. Columba’s College Hazaribag, established the Internal Quality Assurance Cell [IQAC] in July 2013 with Principal Rev. Dr. S.K. Toppo as the chairperson and Dr. Kameshwar Prasad, H.O.D., Physics as the coordinator. In February 2017, IQAC was reconstituted with Principal Rev. Dr. S.K. Toppo as the chairperson and Rev. Dr. Bimal Raven as the coordinator. In 2020, IQAC has again being reconstituted with Principal Rev. Dr. S.K. Toppo as the chairperson and Rev. Dr. Bimal Raven as the coordinator. The prime task of the IQAC, over the years, has been to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the performance of this institution.
# | Head | Name | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Rev. Dr. S. K. Toppo | Principal |
2 | Coordinator | Rev. Dr. Bimal Raven | H.O.D. of History |
3 | Joint coordinator I | Dr. S.O. Farooque | H.O.D., Dept. of Mathematics |
4 | Joint coordinator II | Dr. Rakho Hari Prasad | H.O.D., Dept. of Physics |
5 | External Expert | Dr. E. N. Siddiqui | Ex Registrar, Vinoba Bhave University. |
6 | External Expert | Principal | Ramgarh College, Ramgarh |
7 | External Expert | Principal | Chatra College, Chatra |
8 | External Expert | Dr. G. N. Singh | Ex C.C.D.C., Vinoba Bhave University. |
9 | Member | Dr. S.S. Singh | H.O.D., Dept. of Chemistry |
10 | Member | Dr. J. R. Das | H.O.D., Dept. of Philosophy |
11 | Member | Dr. K.M. Siddiqui | Asstt. Prof. of Chemistry |
12 | Member | Dr. Jamal Ahmad | H.O.D., Dept. of Urdu |
13 | Member | Dr. Somak Biswas | Coordinator, NAAC |
# | Head | Name | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Rev. Dr. S. K. Toppo | Principal |
2 | Coordinator | Rev. Dr. Bimal Raven | H.O.D. of History |
3 | Joint coordinator | Dr. A.K. Saha | Asso. Prof. of Chemistry |
4 | External Expert | Dr. E. N. Siddiqui | Ex Registrar, Vinoba Bhave University. |
5 | External Expert | Dr. P.K. Mishra | |
6 | External Expert | Dr. G. N. Singh | Ex C.C.D.C., Vinoba Bhave University. |
7 | Member | Dr. Niraj Dang | NAAC Coordinator |
8 | Member | Dr. S. K. Dubey | NAAC Joint Coordinator |
# | Head | Name | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Rev. Dr. S. K. Toppo | Principal |
2 | Coordinator | Dr. Kameshwar Prasad | H.O.D.. Dept. of Physics |
3 | Joint coordinator | Dr. Rakho Hari Prasad | Asstt. Prof., Dept. Of Physics |
4 | Member | Dr. S. S. Singh | H.O.D. Dept. of Mathematics |
5 | Member | Dr. Niraj Dang | NAAC Coordinator |
6 | Administrative official | Dr. M. P. Singh | Former V.C., V.B.U., H.Bag |
7 | External Experts | Dr. D. K. Mandal | Principal, Ramgarh College Ramgarh |
8 | External Experts | Fr. (Dr) Nicholas Tete | Principal, St.Xavier’s College, Ranchi. |