Fee Refund Policy

S.No. Reasons for seeking refund Quantum of fee to be refunded
1. When a student applies for withdrawal of admission up to last date of admission Full fee after deduction of Admission and examination fee
2. When admission is made inadvertently due to error/omission/commission on the part of the University/ College Full fee and full examination fee
3. When cancellation of admission is due to concealment/falsification of facts, submission of false/fake certificate(s), providing misleading information by the student or for any error/mistake on the part of the student No fee will be refunded
4. When a student of the Self Financing course applies for withdrawal of admission on or before the last date of admission Full tuition fee after deduction of admission and full examination fee
5. In case a student after his/her admission expires within one month of the last date of admission No refund of admission fee; but tuition fee will be refunded